The Importance of Having a Clear Policy for Children Staying at Hotels in Maricopa County, AZ

As an expert in the hospitality industry, I have seen firsthand the importance of having clear policies in place for children staying at hotels. In Maricopa County, AZ, there are specific guidelines that hotels must follow when it comes to accommodating families with children. In this article, I will provide a comprehensive overview of the policy for children staying at hotels in Maricopa County, AZ.

The Importance of Having a Policy

Before diving into the specifics of the policy, it is essential to understand why having a policy for children staying at hotels is crucial.

First and foremost

, it ensures the safety and well-being of children.

By having clear guidelines in place, hotel staff can ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to keep children safe during their stay. Additionally, having a policy can also help prevent any potential legal issues. In today's society, it is essential for businesses to have policies in place to protect themselves from liability. By having a policy for children staying at hotels, hotel owners can mitigate any risks and protect their business.

The Policy for Children Staying at Hotels in Maricopa County, AZ

In Maricopa County, AZ, the policy for children staying at hotels is outlined in the Arizona Administrative Code (AAC). According to AAC R9-20-204, hotels must provide accommodations for families with children under the age of 18. Under this policy, hotels must provide a room with at least one double or queen-sized bed for families with one or two children.

For families with three or more children, the hotel must provide a room with two double or queen-sized beds or a room with one king-sized bed and a rollaway bed. Furthermore, hotels must also provide cribs or playpens upon request for families with infants or toddlers. These cribs must meet the safety standards set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).It is important to note that this policy only applies to hotels with more than 50 rooms. Smaller hotels with less than 50 rooms are not required to follow this policy.

Additional Considerations

While the policy outlined in AAC R9-20-204 is the minimum requirement for hotels in Maricopa County, AZ, there are additional considerations that hotels should keep in mind when accommodating families with children. Firstly, it is essential for hotels to have childproofing measures in place. This includes covering electrical outlets, securing furniture and appliances, and providing child-friendly amenities such as high chairs and booster seats in the hotel restaurant. Secondly, hotels should also have a clear policy for unaccompanied minors.

This policy should outline the age limit for children staying alone in a hotel room and any additional requirements, such as written consent from a parent or guardian.

Enforcement of the Policy

The Maricopa County Environmental Services Department is responsible for enforcing the policy for children staying at hotels. Inspectors from this department conduct routine inspections of hotels to ensure compliance with the policy. If a hotel is found to be in violation of the policy, they will be given a notice of violation and must take corrective action within a specified timeframe. Failure to comply with the policy can result in fines and penalties.


In conclusion, the policy for children staying at hotels in Maricopa County, AZ, is an essential aspect of ensuring the safety and well-being of young guests. By having clear guidelines in place, hotels can provide a comfortable and secure environment for families with children.

It is crucial for hotels to not only follow the minimum requirements outlined in AAC R9-20-204 but also consider additional measures to accommodate families with children.

Angelina Soverns
Angelina Soverns

General music fanatic. Incurable social media guru. Hardcore internet aficionado. Friendly tv junkie. Proud pop culture fanatic.

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